------------------------------------------------------ ARIZONA MILDMAN HOAX REPORT: Barrack Obama is a Muslim

Friday, February 20, 2009

Barrack Obama is a Muslim

Here we are in the twenty first century and the Republican dirty tricks people whom Ross Perot spoke of in the debate between Bill Clinton, Robert Dole, and himself are alive and well still trying even after the election to say the same crap they did during the election. These things were disproved on national media. Do they believe that if they keep saying it that it will become true? Does a preponderence of the same lie constitute the truth? This one in particular really grates on me. In the same way that we can sue a tabloid for slander now, I think we should be able to sue slander in political rhetoric. That would end swiftboat liars altogether. Here is my favorite example: The liars who wrote this are saying: "Barrack Obama went to school in a Muslim School in Indonesia. The MSNBC story can be seen HERE. I am just tired of the constant lying. I hear that old hogwash about "Democrats started it" and "Don't you think they lie too?". Answer being, yes on some issues about personal lives that aren't a news media member's business. Not about each other. Let me explain this to you in simple terms. Show me what lies were said about John McCain. I couldn't find any. I looked on the fact checker and followed the fact checker online and never saw Obama make a reference to McCaine that wasn't correct. Even on the ones McCain denied. He said John McCain sang Bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, McCain said he needed education about economics. Then he tried to say he understood economics. His experience was, as he put it, since he was in office since the Reagan administration. Considering George H.W. Bush called Reaganomics "Voodoo Economics" I wouldn't consider that something to brag about.
I really need to continue about this continual horsecrap! My only answer is that we know that the school in Indonesia where Barrack Obama went to school said that was ill informed and preposterous. They wanted to know how they got an enraging accusation like that as they welcomed many religions, including Catholics and Jews. Who were the Americans to call them a Muslim school when they were nothing more than a public school? Ask John McCain. When the crazy lady accused Obama of being a muslim from somewhere else, McCain finally had an attack of conscience and took the microphone away from her, he corrected the statements his campaign managers had paid her to lie about on camera. She was another plant like Joe the Fake Plumber who was related to the Keatings, of the Keating 5 scandal that John McCain was involved in in the sixties and seventies.

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